This is going to become an alternative PageMall Template, I think.

Testers needed for DESKTOP AND MOBILE to do the following:

MOBILE (pressing links will direct you to another parallel universe)
  • Does everything fit correctly on the screen?
  • Does it scroll smoothly vertically (sorry no horizontal scrolling yet)
  • Press Menu button and a drop down list appears?
  • Press "Services" and another sub menu list appears?
  • Do you see the menu text?
  • Does page scroll smoothly vertically (sorry no horizontal scrolling yet)
  • Press "Services" and another sub menu list appears?
REPORT ANY VARIANCES! THANKS! I am not sure what to name it. It Looks like everyone else, boring. Good news, it has a responsive menu when going full screen on desktop. And I am sizing the buttons so they are easy to press. I keep seeing sites on mobile with tiny tiny buttons that I often miss. Meh. This needs work, looking at it make me tired and sleepy.

Any ideas to make it more appealing?

Dunno, should this template be a one columner? Seems like a lot of sites are just one giant column down the middle, right? Should we put a long column on the left? It could get ugly if users don't put the right content there though.